anne creissels

La compagnie a+b objet danse inscrit ses activités au croisement des arts plastiques et des arts vivants, de la recherche et de la création. Développant des formes hybrides, performatives, où la théorie se fait matériau, elle explore les liens entre geste et constructions identitaires et investit les zones de déplacement, des mots aux images et des objets aux corps.

je suis une voix off

enregistrement performatif, 2020, durée : 2'20''

en écoute sur firefly frequencies, vernacular radio for insurgent forms of life and (un)learning, projet initié par Silvia Maglioni, Nikolay Oleynikov, Alessandra Pomarico et Graeme Thomson

« “Je suis une voix off” assumes an agency and embodiment of what is absent, playing on various metamorphoses of a voice recorded on a dictaphone. Interrogating different modalities of presentation, enunciation and knowledge transmission, language becomes material trace as the voice is switched “on” while sliding “off” through gaps, mechanical pauses, rewinds, corrections, stammerings, pitchshifts, voluntary and involuntary overdubs, disintegrating and recomposing, exposing fictions of gender, efficacy and neutrality of speech and relocating them in an indeterminate border zone where the body allows us to hear the multiple voices that inhabit and pass through it as it speaks and is spoken, giving voice to echoes of the unimaginable. » Silvia Maglioni (firefly frequencies)